Columbia, North Carolina - Honoring Our Past, Designing Our Future
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the government office hours?

Town Office Hours


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm



What is the garbage pick up schedule?

Garbage pickup in the Town of Columbia is on Mondays and Thursdays.  Yard waste is picked up on Wednesdays and Fridays.  For the pick up of brown or white goods, residents should call GDS at 1-877-659-7144.

What consequences are there for delinquent taxes?

Property for which there are taxes owed, such as a house or mobile home, cannot be moved or sold  until the taxes are paid.  Other possible penalties could be bank attachments or wage garnishments.

When does the Board of Aldermen meet?
The Town Board of Aldermen meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Town Municipal Building at 103 Main Street in Columbia.  Time is provided during each meeting for public comment.  Anyone wishing to be placed on the meeting agenda should contact the Town Manager, Rhett White, at 252-796-2781.
What is the contact number for the Tyrrell County Landfill?

Land Clearing and Inert Debris site call (252)796-1371  ext. 2625

Who do I contact with questions concerning the town taxes?
Ruth Spencer can be reached at 252-796-2781.
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